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Why wood, furnıture samples made from varıous types of wood


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14 Ağu 2012
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Dear friends, first in 2014 and I can not pass without mention benefit from the knowledge we have lost the name shellac master restorer Gökhan Erol once again I wish God have mercy on paradise venue.


Ash wood furniture types

I believe a month preparing to write this article. The question I have noted that you've reviewed one by one. Carpentry and paint shop, and a month ago I was a blank period of time other artisans wandered friends. And I was shocked when I saw. I saw a living and dining room complete with oak boyarlark of the lake. Believe me pity. The owner does not understand that the team's fortunes in the hands. But the painter friend enthuse "I make you a lake. See Use a super way to decide it says! .... "Three penny tossed sand on the beautiful white team was lined for the sake of earning money. I was very sorry. I can not interfere in everything finished. A moment ago I started preparing this article. Anyone with wood or hardboard coating is expensive, three cents for the sake of the citizens trying to complete with MDF huge oak dining room set sitting and turning to the lake. Shame shame. Every day thousands of friendly Melike Varak??l?k entering my system. They know there read the writing on wood.


Ash wood furniture types

Wood Allah is the greatest blessing that we offer to the people. I do not understand what goes on hand to slay the beautiful wood. These teams will have the day will feature antiques. He will remain as a legacy to our children as our future cultural heritage.
See why objects made from wood with'm right about this. Let me tell you this question döndüğün by-point the slice. Why Wood?


Basswood furniture types


Wood is a natural and healthy product. To affect human health is not a harmful combination of the slightest health, ecological wood, a renewable resource, and every moment is a constant. Healthy, maintenance and repair very easy, ergonomic, durable (1 kg concrete and wood carries more freight than steel at the same rate.). Wood is an excellent construction material with thermal insulation. Production of all types of recycled wood that can be done quickly. Resistance is high. It has an ergonomic appearance. Wood is a perfect decoration and construction material objects. Here we prefer wood for it. Yes, wood is an expensive material, but is for life. Today, cheap property to chipboard, MDF, chipboard access is made by coating. But no one does not take the place of wood. Even with the super boyasa and you'll even paint the wood with you claim that you even tutturamazs sweet color and texture. Even if you can not reach the image given by Wood. You can not live in the enjoyment of any artificial objects made of shellac Especially in a wood pattern motif. (See related topic: THEY SAY shellac, shellac and antiquities ..... M.Kemal Bektas-Isil Tuana) Have you ever plated chipboard or MDF, chipboard from antiques Did you see that? Unless you are using wood lifetime There is beautiful.


Basswood furniture types

The enemies of wood fungi, bacteria, insects and termites are among the biological enemy of the tree. Some of these are only some of the total destruction of wood causes image defects. (For further information see: WOOD WITH RESPECT Want to Know M.Kemal Bektas-Isil Tuana) But today the masters who do not work with the biggest enemies of wood craftsmen have been killed wood for the sake of three cents. In this article you will see once you read my I was right


Birch furniture types

Once again the question-point the "WHY WOOD" Let's continue our discussion saying:


Wood is light. The load transmitted to the connection due to their low weight is less than concrete and steel. This is the reason the basic section is provided to be smaller. Installation of wood is easier and quicker. It is light compared to concrete and steel assembly work easier, quicker and more economical is provided. Transportation is easy. Workshops will also be available for you to instantly mount. Light does not need to be moved when they are private cars. Crafting easy, manufacture is rapid. Immediately after the installation is no harm in installing a full load. After removal from a few casualties possible to exploit again. It is a hot material is sanitary, shape (handle) is easy. Processing does not depend on the season.


Birch furniture types

Wood acids, bases and is resistant to flue gas. It is a good heat and sound insulation. It is resistant to earthquakes. The earthquake has been friendly even to protect human life. Can not in the nature of wood, the wood is no problem of environmental pollution (also under consideration, which as you know). Wooden safest material against fire. Charring wood with heat-proof property and putting forward scientific evidence has proven to be the most secure material against fire.


Walnut furniture types

Wood is durable, lightweight, durable. When wood is processed and, when used correctly, "swollen doors, windows not closing" We do not hear such words. Is healthy, easy to clean, thanks to the healthy to breathe in, we breathe. Less affected by environmental changes.
Forest area is increasing in countries where wood is used. The higher the forested areas in a country, it is worth noting that much of the wood consumption. We hope our country can also develop timber industry.


Walnut furniture types

With wooden houses, healthy, environmentally friendly, economical, inexpensive, and it is possible to attain a long lasting life.
Wood is the most valuable and unique materials that Allah offers us. World's first wooden building material for centuries has maintained its position and credibility. Today, again began to turn wood. The beauty of the wood, the benefits of natural insulation, resistance to earthquakes, healthy and long life consists of one reason to prefer the wood of developed countries.
Wooden structures are thought to be vulnerable to fire. But they are not burning house in the article. A wooden structure in case of fire due to the carbonization of the outer surface of the material used in its natural thickness necessary, constitute a safety guard and the natural insulation to retard the flames go up the interior. This allows the carrier beams and columns can withstand hours.


Cherry wood furniture types

Wooden buildings in the world, compared to concrete and metal structure are more preferred. The wood has the lead in sound and heat insulation than concrete and metal. 7 cm thick wooden walls, concrete thickness of 50 cm has a wall of sound and heat insulation.
The natural structure of the wood walls of the reason feel much healthier psychological and physiological aspects of people living in wooden houses is that moisture will get into the house with a filter system. The concentration of moisture in concrete homes rheumatism, kidney disease, asthma and circulatory disorders experienced. Breathing has proved the positive effects of this disease on the wood. At the same time iron wire carrying an electric double layer of concrete structures forced out of the 220 volt wire creates a magnetic field. One of the causes of extreme stress, this is the magnetic field that passes through our bodies.


Cherry wood furniture types
In today's technology is already used natural remedies can be extended further thanks to the long life of the wood. We call these chemicals are produced from natural materials impregnated wood and prevents decay. (See'd like RELATING TO KNOW WOOD relevant M.Kemal Bektas-Isil Tuana)


CHESTNUT TREE furniture types

Their physiological and psychological aspects of living in wooden structures feel much healthier. Wood's people with breathing. Rheumatism, asthma, kidney disease and have a positive impact on circulatory disorders. Japanese quake experts, all of the world's most durable structure against earthquakes have declared that Ottoman wooden frame system. Approximately 90 percent of the houses are made of wood in the US. A reinforced concrete structure damaged in an earthquake must be demolished after severe damage to a wooden structure, however, is repaired as soon as possible who may be in livable again. Wooden structures are very light, it does not collapse easily. Even the collapsed remains contained within.

CHESTNUT TREE furniture types

The most beautiful palaces that has survived from the date, concrete, none of temples and other magnificent structures have survived thanks to the use of wood and used for thousands of years. One of the world's largest historic three wooden structure is 100 meters long and is standing for 100 years, the eight-storey building height equivalent to Büyükada Greek Orphanage.


Ebony furniture types

Did you see the wonders of wood!. Let's open a little bit more and make the necessary interventions to those slaughtered in the timber that will be transferred tomorrow of the cornerstones of our cooperation with our Let's protect our assets for future generations this culture.
We can always repair and maintenance of our materials we use wood. History will bear witness to the history that has made maintenance and repair works are made for the transfer belt. We call it restoration and conservation. Sheds light on the history of culture and art to the objects we call cultural assets. A knowledgeable staff with the right work to be done but to be faithful to the original cultural assets and can be done using high technology and chemical processes. The restoration of cultural assets are laborious and expensive work. Unconsciously, repairs damage the historic fabric and turns away this works .. Furthermore, the fact that the removing work of the next generation will transform into another structure, we have transferred the wrong information. See related topics: RESTORATION OF ANTIQUES MATERIALS AND CONSERVATION (REPAIR, MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION M.Kemal Bektas-Isil Tuana)


Ebony furniture types

Wooden objects in humidity and topographical conditions, cause physical and chemical changes. Damp, wood rot due to bacteria and fungal growth, color change and other cracks to form one. Under the influence of air and moisture wood moisture to the structure that will expand and shrink with giving back to wither. This cracking material will lead to inherent distortions such cleavage. The use of wrong materials in the restoration of wooden works very common cause of corruption. (See related topic: the ancient monuments of your dyeing PROTECTION, CARE (RESTORATION AND CONSERVATION) 1-2 M.Kemal Bektas-Isil Tuana)


Eucalyptus wood furniture types


We call restoration repairs to be made of wood. Restoration and repair interventions are made mandatory in order to transfer to future generations without damaging the wood's authenticity and is actively involved in field conservation work practices. Restoration is an application that needs to be done if anything remains to be done in terms of the work to prevent corruption. Therefore, the preferred method is the latest. Because incorrect or improper application causes complete loss of work.


Eucalyptus wood furniture types

Made of wood chemical method we call the maintenance transaction for the purpose of conservation to last long. Conservation object physical that may occur over time, chemical, biological, to prevent mechanical and losing deteriorate essential identity with them outside the various destruction elements provide housing under certain circumstances and are a healthy way of measures taken for protection to ensure ability to live. In other words, the object is to make it permanent by controlling the environment against rot and decay. Because decay, the chemical changes, insects and microorganisms, excess heat, light and moisture; The exhibition of objects deterioration stems from storage format, or human error.
The only protection procedures to prevent damage to the object, not to delay or stop applications, it also includes the need to intervene with passive as well as active methods and techniques. Therefore, it is the most harmless operation for conservation work and try to at least change the object of protection possible.


Furniture mulberry tree varieties

Carbon pollution (motor vehicle emissions), stored in the works of the surface causes physical and chemical changes. Natural disasters, such as water and wind erosion, causes the growth of cracks in the works. Extreme temperature changes cause expansion in the wood is causing the deterioration of the material works. Birds, insects, mice, animals are damaging the wood works
There are thousands of different species of trees in the world and almost all physical, chemical and biological differences indicate. (See related topic: Wooden Hand Carving Wood used in Wood Carving Art and 1-2 M.Kemal Bektas)


Mahogany furniture types

Before the conservation and restoration of wooden works of disruption must be determined well. Conservation passed it when the first intervention made at the place where the work should be preferred. However, if necessary change hangout for various reasons, the treatment of the difference between moisture levels between the natural environment and work environment to be sure that there will be excessive. Instead the work of a new adaptation is achieved by gradually changing the humidity difference. Sudden changes of cracking, the detachment, swelling and so on. and work to see the creation of a very large loss is inevitable.
It can be made from one kind of tree in the wooden objects of historical value, can also be produced using a combination of several kinds of trees. Also pearl, tortoiseshell, ivory, various metals, paper, leather and so on. also it can be processed to the material. Material wealth makes the comprehensive conservation and restoration intervention. Suffered damage as determined by visual and instrumental works of the laboratory analysis. According to the results of appropriate therapy is selected.


Mahogany furniture types


Conservation and restoration program of the wooden object, similar to a patient's diagnosis and treatment. In this respect, detailed evaluation of all the data it needs. As for the damage caused by microorganisms ... Insects live in the wood rot eating it. Mushrooms in accordance with the kind of wet wood, disrupts the structure by inserting into a position that releases bad odor and stains on the surface creates the color could not be fixed. Activity of biological hazards such as fungi and insects that invade the wood, the humidity and temperature of the environment in parallel with the well adjusted, thanks to effective drug treatment is stopped. Wood, some chemical substances include, but varying rates according to the type of the cell structure should tree, which consists of two main items. Lignin enables the ripening of the tree with a flexible cellulose, various oils, mineral and organic materials, color dyes and water which are other components of the tree. Wood as such, is a source of food for some insects and microorganisms. Both restoration and conservation of these pests as well as for new wood products should be disposed of violence, they continue to have interbred with ease living in adverse conditions.


Oak furniture types

Whether the need is to highlight the texture of manufacturing and basic rules in both wood and painting restoration. Sometimes it's the way I came across the work that I literally head of hair. Mahogany or teakwood material left lacquer paint. They killed almost a pity most valuable trees. Instead, they direct varnish throw the tissue of the tree will be a delightful image will emerge to the forefront. On the other hand chopping trees so that they do come from an ebony woods. But I always have confidence in our country, unfortunately, a lot of words or our masters and cultural assets which can be handed down to future generations is to be wasted in this way.


Oak furniture types

In the past, since most of the works to extend the life of repairs made wooden objects has harmed them. These applications are taken back by mechanical and chemical methods during treatment and work to recover. A meticulous approach to work with objects made his first original features
Wood cells have the structure as known, the biological activity of growth, nutrition, growth and so on. obtained from the tree. Cells were killed by cutting the trees, although this activity does not cut the relations with the outside world completely. In front of us, it turned out a structure consisting of millions of cells in constant exchange with the environment where moisture. Ongoing this feature wood "hygroscopic property" is called. Cell structure textiles, leather, bone, paper and so on. All organic origin objects also show this feature. Moisture exchange with the environment leads to timber realized some negativity. If less than the relative humidity of the ambient humidity level in the wood structure, wood contains more moisture dries out and giving smaller. Otherwise the relative humidity of the environment is greater than the wood moisture case, the wood attracts moisture from within the bottle filled with the medium and the cells s. As a result, the mass size increases. Here, the so-called shrinkage of the wood working, cracking, warping, hunched up, expansion, etc: this undesirable situation occurs. Until it changes to the product as wood, said wood considering these features, both processing methods and choice of wood species, as well as good initial drying of moisture in excess of the tree is also a great importance. Operating characteristics of all wood species is different. Therefore, appropriate tree selection can not be moved and are found in portable products according to which the requirement.


OLIVE TREE type of furniture

In all the historical monuments of wood surface, when it was first built under the influence of external conditions that differ from the raw surface tissue to a thin layer. This is called patina. While the work of the first objects made of wood patina, surface-applied varnish, paint and so on. On the surface texture created by these operations is influenced by external conditions develop over time. After all, we met out in different shades of color than when the surface is made. Especially in Turkey, which many wooden work material consisting of a high tannin content, oak and walnut and affected a lot of moisture in the material, causing the wood to darken. In a way, establishing connections with what paint wood surface itself. This point applies surface cleaning and conservation must be considered in the re-polishing process. Unfortunately, because of the necessity of restoration of wood with a patina taken into account, many valuable objects are destroyed.
Over the painted and decorated wooden artifacts, to the extinction of paint layer, the cleaning process must be done with great care. If you spill it, if this situation is flaky layers, consolidation should be made prior to the cleaning process.

PEAR TREE furniture types

Another important phase of conservation, insects and fungi consolidation implemented in order to consolidate the spongy tissue caused by destruction. Konsolidant applied to tissue that has been damaged too much is prepared with natural or synthetic wax and resin. When requested Konsolidant choice in the future it should be considered to be of a type reversible. After the consolidation of space required, it is moved to the process of creating the work's structure. Severed over time, broken, cracked ground is mounted in place with the appropriate adhesives and assembly methods. Missing parts artifact from the same species and form accordingly wood, insect and mounted prepared as sterilized against fungi.
After all, well, come to the surface to protect the environment of the action to be taken will be no adverse work conditions. In fact, although natural varnishes are applied, in some cases apply also to synthetic-based preservative. Made to appear like a gleaming new work, it is a detail that should be strongly considered. Treatment of moisture in the display environment of the finished work, heat, light, biological activity and so on. kept under the control of the angle is also obligatory. Objects of wood dust, heat, light, keeping away from negative factors such as humidity, care should be taken to periodically sprayed against insects.
Color, texture, hardness, transport capability, durability, dye holding capacity, drying facilities and fiber düzgünlükleri.ağaç are distinctive features should make it a good choice before making a wooden object tree. (See the art of hand-carved wood and trees used in wood carving - Mustafa Kemal Bektas)


PEAR TREE furniture types

Choosing the right wood wooden work to be done here can be considered a problem if good drying wood and wooden elements of the design is done correctly so this problem does not cause trouble.
Most of the materials in contact with water, unlike gorse does not work, even the longitudinal direction. Wood heat exchange with the size does not undergo change. It does not harden softened with heat. Only in the water and only a cross-sectional study said. These wooden understand the reasons were many advantages in design and design has made it a separate place of wood. In return, another problem can be solved by placing suitable wooden timber longitudinal section.


Pecan American furniture types


Freshly cut wood dries, moisture content, maintains its original size to decrease the amount of 30% of dry weight, called fiber saturation adjustment of 30%. From this point on, it shrinks as it dries. Similarly, when the bottle increases to maximum humidity at 30% dry wood. To go above this rate of humidity does not cause further expansion. Moisture movement, bending, can bring about changes in the way such as sprains and cracking.
To obtain the desired yield from the wood should be dried to the appropriate moisture content. Fibers up to slightly below about 30% moisture content remains saturated and swollen. Then drying causes shrinkage gradually evolving events.


Pine furniture types

Drying Methods There are two types of drying methods, including outdoors and in the oven. However, natural drying is a difficult process and the conditions made for a long time. Especially in the oven drying it is necessary to achieve the moisture content below 20%. The drying in the oven ensure the release of resin in the wood is one of the most important advantages.
Wood humidity below 20% to secure means to keep dry. Eaves of roofs in the old house as a solution to the amount of rain that has long kept trying to minimize exterior. Another method is to cover that with a layer of painting surfaces that are impervious to water. However, cracking paint as soon as possible because of the wood work shows. To use paste and use on wood in exterior wood coatings breathing can take place in a dry retention methods that work.
Protective features new paint, varnishes, polyurethanes and epoxy surface protection are among the most useful. When choosing a product to be applied on hardwood floors wear resistant, while choosing a product to be used in the exterior should be sought of features such as elasticity and durability of the sun
Sun effect is as old wood and cracking under the influence of rain and the aging time can cause loss of fibers. Surface mold can occur, dirt accumulates in the cracks, water can enter inside even with the crack growth. Surface protectors are used to minimize this situation.
Today almost never live in isolation from one wood and wood products is not possible ..
You doyamazs never made a wood carving will delight the eyes of the foil made of gold and silver. (See related topic: GOLD LEAF STATEMENTS UNDER THE MAIN POINTS HOME DECORATION M.Kemal with gold leaf stages Bektas)


Pine furniture types

Gökhan Erol late as my master "more wood, fabric, they do not know the architectural style of the furniture, but they say or antikacıy I'm top. Even shellac how do you say that the news should fold in the spirit spirit "(see related topic: MECHANIC AND ANTIQUES WORKS FOR ANCIENT ART STYLE ARCHITECTURE ABOUT 1-2 M.Kemal Bektas-Isil Tuana)
Merely for the sake of a penny to win by three beautiful carvings and paint with paint dipped officially random slaughter are making wood waste. Did you call the ancestor leaf on polyester. Did you call using acrylic lacquer thinner instead of acrylic polyurethane thinner. Wood is going to appear in the tissues. Not care about going to attain the status of antiquities! Whether in the art and does not know the way s of care. A compressor gun in their hands and they keep throwing paint they appointed themselves to go to that.
My advice to you your humble wood modification research thoroughly, paint, etc. to take out. I thoroughly after receiving information on this product. This is my money. I should also like that you have to want it.
I'm in this business for many years did he saw in acrylic paint that make regular cellulosic paint. Of course I was gone three months later yellowing of ten of effort and money wasted. I took my break in the work of this while I'm on leaf mix of labor, consumables thinner acrylic polyurethane acrylic lacquer thinner instead of the team. In our country, unfortunately, no art work ethic morality. My wife abroad in 1986 we received while working abroad mahogany dining room table and chairs and parts still paint like the first day, seating cushions stands intact.


POPLAR TREE furniture types

What if I say I am going to do it and you should also be the title holder must have that information. You made me take my business to the art of teaching as long as you have not delivered all they can into the ürününüz. It also must be moral artisans.
Unfortunately, our country is extreme envy. If you do not want your progress will never master. If they see you as beings to be plucked goose. Sorry I'm a little sharp dilliy. But it's true I've seen in years. Each of these five up and three down real art. I met so many years now, unfortunately, many with masters who envy. To remove them to break even know you're doing your share to be successful you do not mind. Do your money gone in vain, corrupted the material sense. That's why we do not think the European mind. I went to Germany. There is no pleasure without you sick and tired before they will teach this art. And they are also behind the work they do. I know they are trying to make it look like I'm top secret to hide from you the one I know best weather. Who I would not hesitate to share what they know and who know me know I always reaches me to the finest detail. Until all paint from the manufacture of wood unfortunately a problem. Everything until you get the money. They follow you until you get the money run. The small language you are weary of the search appear. But ! Once you get the first run of the advance. As you say they do not make you regret that you will not give you. I see Germany punctual and artisans in I knew it (terminated) you will receive your materials accurate daily said. I still do not understand why our country is not the case. I know my brother is a painter never forget or complete tossed billion acrylic lacquer painted with acrylic paint. Yacht has ahşab into sections. (Painters and other artisans who work the hunky our friend Glory. My words are not them.) Varnished place even painted with white acrylic paint. Believe horse carriages car looks even more beautiful than she slept. Are you laugh you cry.! Yacht owner has received the money in advance. I've made so cheaply yacht owner was distraught after you sevined. August heat exfoliation with what had begun under the sun. Ultimately we save Produkte intervened. Here's doing who knows does not know. Is not pity them and the costs of labor and materials. This material comes to foreign currency imported to our country.


Pterocarpus furniture types

Do not forget that no matter what your day to move and think and decide if the business day you will never be successful. You know that! We are an economically recycled. It is employed to make money very, very difficult. Such materials can have at most one time in our family life. Do not go saying a piece of furniture. One bedroom, living room, you have to spend a fortune to get the guest rooms. Three days after you received your money is going right to the left when broken out and you feel sorry for what you get by making labor. Especially if you look at a wood stuck handed down from father to mother, you look like one. A thoughtless slaughter your memories your ahşabı income. I was very sorry to them. For years, he handed down from mother to rest the eye, such as a dresser baktır in, or inherited from grandparents who care for transistor radios nice mom and dad saw grandchildren. I bring to repair a bedroom or living room modular system made so far I've never seen. Hardboard, I have not seen any materials that enter the field of MDF and laminates made from antique class. We get a new empty already given thumbs down. I often hear the words. He connoisseurs sweet texture of wood, shellac that sweet harmonious color that wood from a wood pattern to dispense with ministers. Wood about you that here so I write hundreds of pages of information on less income. Since the world is at our bedside each period and became the sine qua non of wood. Why all wooden ancient artifacts? You will keep your existing ahşabı Be the first to carry this legacy to our children.


Rosewood furniture types

Look up the objects you see are made from some wood. Especially those made of wood that I chose each type of tree he wanted to see the beautiful texture and beauty. Now you know why I think that we should pay attention to wood.


Rosewood furniture types

Dear friends, I passed some information about the Z se sine wood from you in my new series of articles. Bye hoping to meet again with you another string in my thick. Friendly stay.
Regards ... greetings ....


Rosewood furniture types

Mustafa Kemal Bektas
Melike Gold Embellishment
Tel: 0553538 12 64
Melike Varak??l?k


Teak furniture


Teak furniture
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